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Amelia Logan

Current freshman at Wagner College playing Division 1 Women's Lacrosse.

Monroe, CT, USA (Hometown)

Staten Island, NY, USA (Current)

About Me

My name is Amelia Logan. I am from Connecticut. I am currently enrolled at Wagner College playing women's lacrosse. Along with being a highly competitive athlete, I consistently embody the image of a student-athlete. With academic success, comes time management, staying organized and being highly communicative. Since I began to take athletics seriously, mental health has been a challenge for me. I struggled as I began making transitions into a bigger, more intensive level of athletics through high school varsity sports and eventually college athletics. However, I never went a day when I knew mental health, especially for athletes was very serious and many struggle and seek outlets. Being a leader is an aspect of myself I am passionate about. I was a team captain for 2 years in high school, field hockey and lacrosse. I dig deeper to be a stronger, caring, hardworking, respectful, and communicative classmate, athlete and friend.

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Roster Bio


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